Greek Art: The Age of Alexander and the Hellenistic Period

Alexander the Great started doing great things around 336 BCE when his dad, Phillip II, died and passed on his kingdom. By the time of his death 13 years later (age 33), he had founded over 70 cities. After his death, his land was divided into three main kingdoms. The powerful cities within this realm all competed to be the greatest, which is seen in the art. Continue reading Greek Art: The Age of Alexander and the Hellenistic Period

Greek Art: The Late Classical Period

Conflict between Athens, Corinth, and Sparta built up into the great Peloponnesian War in 431. To keep things short, Athens lost. The next 100 years would see constant struggle between Greek city-states, and Athens was defeated again in 338 BCE by Macedonian Phillip II. The art during this time period reflects the loss of power and grandiose caused by all of the fighting. Continue reading Greek Art: The Late Classical Period

Popcorn Squad

September 9 We were given a new assignment today: popcorn. Yep. We have to draw popcorn and right now it’s sounding pretty horrible. She wants us to recognize negative space and emphasis of a single point. I’m having difficulty picking out a single thing about the popcorn to emphasize over the others, but I really like the triple shadows that were coming from the overhead lights. … Continue reading Popcorn Squad